
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sea and sails…

The summer heat, then winter’s cooler weather and posting at Mich Café on Fridays have kept me away from the sea for much too long. Lounging around the garden pool is just not the same (some pictures here).

So I took a real day off on Friday (April 1) and headed to my favorite free beach in Jumeirah, armed with a book and my little digital camera, for a few hours of swimming and relaxation.

It’s the ideal season for the beach in Dubai. The Arabian Gulf waters are clean, crystal clear and still freezing. The pleasant breeze and reading Junichiro Tanizaki’s Naomi helped make it a beautiful day. Except that I didn’t realize the sun was that hot. I am now as red as a lobster!

And this Haiku came to mind:

The waves lap the shore

I gaze at the sailing boats

Wishing you were here…

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